Recommended Books, Webinars and Articles

Here are some books, webinars and long-form articles that our members have found useful. They are in no particular order at present but perhaps if they list grows we can brings some sense to it. All suggestions welcome to 9V1SA @

Recommended ItemRecommenderComments
Andrew D. Barron ZL3DW (2018) Amsats and Hamsats: Amateur Radio and Other Small Satellites9V1YPAnyone interested in amateur radio satellite, this is a great book to read.
Robert R. Brown NM7M (1992) Long-Path Propagation: A Study of Long-Path Propagation in Solar Cycle 229V1SAI was intrigued to understand why the paths change from Singapore through the year
Robert R. Brown NM7M (2002) On Ion Chemistry and Propagation9V1SAWhat is actually going on up there to make our signals heard worldwide
Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA (2014) A Long Overdue Review of Gray Line Propagation on the Low Bands9V1YCK9LA is a world-renowned expert on ionospheric propagation, and he knows the physics behind it.  His webinar is really the best I’ve seen on how to describe low-band “gray line” propagation.

SARTS entry to IOTA Contest 2024

This year’s IOTA Contest takes place on Saturday 27th – Sunday 28th July 2024 from 1200 – 1200 UTC. Haoyuan 9V1HY is coordinating the Singapore entry, which will likely happen from Pulau Ubin or St John’s Island, likely travelling out on the Saturday morning, getting set up ready to start our time afternoon, then operating through the night before wrapping up on Sunday morning.

Anyone interested contact 9V1HY via telegram. For background on the contest, check the RSGB as it coordinates the event. There is more information about IOTA’s long term year round role and activities on that organization’s website.

Bear-10 Flight Announcement

  • Date/Time 19 May 2024 (Sunday) 06:45 SGT lift off.
  • Duration: a few hours
  • Call sign: 9V1WP-11
  • APRS: on 144.390 MHz
  • SSTV on 145.550 MHz

…weather permitting and with positive clearance by air-force controllers at time of planned launch. Flight plan has been approved by RSAF and CAAS, and payload approved by IMDA.

The weather Balloon Experiments with Amateur Radio (BEAR) is expected to reach an altitude of 25 km or FL820.

Tour of former BBC Far Eastern Relay Station

On 15 September 2023 members of Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society were given a tour of the facilities built for the BBC World Service in Singapore which closed in July 2023. Thank you to our hosts at Encompass, who now run the site, to James 9V1YC for organizing the tour, and to Kevin 9V1KT for the video. Hugh 9V1SA posted many of the photos taken by our members in a Wikipedia article about the site.


from Chew, 9V1HP

Balloon Experiment with Amateur Radio (BEAR-8)

is expected to be airborne on Sunday 28 May 2023 (Sunday) from around 06:45 (SGT) or 22:45 (27 May, UTC). Payload DRA818V.

APRS on 144.390 MHz: Telemetry, location, altitude, temperature and pressure.
SSTV on 145.550 MHz, Periodic snapshot.


Project Lead / Payload (2), 9V1LW
Flt Sys / Payload (1), 9V1WP
Flt. Lifting, 9V1FH
Flt. Tracking, 9V1CV
Flt. Co-ord, 9V1YP

BEAR-6 Successfully Launched

On Sunday, Aug 28th, early in the morning the 6th Amateur Radio Weather Balloon was successfully launched from Singapore. Balloon Experiments with Amateur Radio (BEAR-6) with the call sign 9V1UP-11 lifted off at 6:50 SGT.

SSTV picture transmitted from BEAR-6

Payload DRA818V with APRS telemetry – location, altitude, temperature and pressure, on 144.39 MHz and with SSTV (Robot 36) on 145.55 MHz was assembled by 9V1LW. The BEAR-6 team members were Lih Wei 9V1LW, Fu Hang, 9V1FH, Choong, 9V1CV and Chew, 9V1YP.

It went to a height above 32 km and speed exceeded 90 km/h a one point.The flight ended with the loss of signal at 10:33.

Tracking the balloon with APRS