Frequency Bands, Power and Classes of Emission

Amateur radio frequency bands, power and classes of emission are defined in Annex 1 of the IMDA Amateur Handbook. The latest version is Version 2 from December 2018.

HF Bands

Except for 60 m (5.3 MHz), all bands from 160 m to 10 m are available for ham operation. 160 m and 80 m are shared with other services. The allowed power is 300 W DC input power or 800 W PEP output power (CW, SSB). On 160 m, output power is limited to 26.67 W PEP, RTTY is not allowed. The 30 m band is allocated to amateur radio on secondary basis.

Although Annex 1 of the IMDA handbook shows a frequency allocation of 7.0 to 7.1 MHz for the 40 m band, with effect from 29 March 2009 IMDA approved the operation from 7.0 to 7.2 MHz on a primary basis.


Use of any frequency in these bands shall be only with the prior written consent of the IMDA. Power limit on 2 m is 25 W PEP, on 70 cm 10 W (erp). Spot frequencies for 70 cm (UHF) are:

  • CW 432.000 MHz,
  • SSB/CW 432.200 MHz,
  • RTTY/FAX 432.600 MHz,
  • FM simplex 433.625 MHz and 433.650 MHz.

In Singapore the 6 m band is not available for amateur radio operation, except for a single spot frequency of 50.313 MHz, where – on an exceptional basis – FT8 operation is allowed for Singapore amateur radio operators with a power of up to 100 W.

From Aug 13, 2019 onwards, the frequency bands 2300-2400 MHz and 3300-3500 MHz are no longer available for amateur radio in Singapore, and will be removed from the IMDA Radio Amateur Handbook.

Portable Operation

When established as a mobile or portable station, the call-sign shall be the call sign allotted to the general station followed by /M or /P

Transmitter output power of the portable station shall not exceed 10 W (erp)