
HF Propagation: K-index, SFI, …

Some Rules of Thumb

The K-index quantifies disturbances in the horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field with an integer in the range 0–9, with 1 being calm and 5 or more indicating a geomagnetic storm. Rising K-index results in a higher noise level, mainly below 10 MHz. A high noise level on 40 m does not imply a high noise level on 20 m.

The Solar Flux Index (SFI) is an indication of the degree of ionization in the higher stratospheric regions. Higher SFI values favor good propagation conditions on the amateur radio bands 20 m and above.

A special case is the 30 m band: both, SFI and K-index can have an impact on the propagation on this band. It is actually a good band in times of the solar minimum as well as the solar maximum.

Best time to operate on HF is after a solar flare eruption. As soon as the solar storm declines, the noise on the bands decreases, combined with an increase of the maximum usable frequency MUF. This often last until sunset. Propagation conditions on 40 and 80 m in the following night could be excellent. On the following day the MUF still can be raised, good for propagation on the higher HF bands.

In addition – after a solar storm – the magnetic disturbance is often very low, a good opportunity to work on 40, 80 and 160 m with low noise.


Ionospheric Map


VHF Repeater Issues – Reporting

In order to improve the coverage of our SARTS VHF repeater and sort out technical problems, it is very helpful to have a list of practical issues experienced during operation. Therefore, please help and report any problem using either this Github link, or our contact form.

Please state your call sign, the power and antenna used with the description of the issue and date/time, when it appeared.

Thank You!

VHF/UHF site survey

On Sunday, 15 November SARTS will be conducting a test of a potential new VHF and UHF repeater site. We are looking for volunteers in all parts of Singapore to assist us with signal reports and two-way contacts. If you are available, please meet us on 145.550 MHz between 3:00 pm and 3:15 pm, and on 433.625 MHz from 3:15 pm – 3:30 pm local time.

See results on Roland’s website (9V1RT)

Special Event Callsign – 9V1STAYHOME

To promote social distancing in the global battle against COVID-19, IMDA has granted SARTS the shared use of the special callsign 9V1STAYHOME from 6 May through 30 June 2020.

update May 6
update May 6

Licensed radio amateurs in Singapore who wish to use this callsign on a shared basis please sign up at this website:

Sign-up link (for 9V1 hams)

After 30 June please email your logs in ADIF format to James Brooks, 9V1YC.   QSL will be by LoTW only.

Approved Rigs for Operation in SG

Dear All,

we are in the process to assemble a database with IMDA approved ham equipment for operation in Singapore.

Any operator in Singapore – whether SARTS member or not – could you please provide the following information:

  • Rig model
  • Manufacturer
  • Date of your license

Example: IC-7300, Icom, 2019

In addition, please let us know all rigs which were not approved when you applied for them.

Please send an email with this information to 9v1yc at or use the SARTS contact page.

SARTS Meeting Oct 2019

Meeting was conducted by VP Sato
SARTS Shirts and Caps donated by Matt 9V1MH ready for collection
Visitor Ron DU3T
Visitor Michael ZL1UOM
Distribution of Membership Cards
Ogie 9V1OG gave a talk on supporting the Scouts JOTI/JOTA 2019
Group photo with our visitors

See you at the next meeting !

2019 CQ WW DX Contest SSB

From Saturday, October 26, 00:00 UTC (08:00 SGT) to Sunday, October 27, 23:59 UTC (Mon, 08:00 SGT) the 2019 CQ World-Wide DX Contest took place. It is one of the biggest international contests during the year.

The objective for amateurs around the world is to contact as many CQ zones and countries as possible. Contest exchange is RS report plus CQ Zone number (28 for Singapore).

Following SARTS members participated in the contest:


M-1: Multi OP High power, Single transmitter, SOL40: Single OP Low power 40m, SOLA: Single OP Low power, all bands.

Raw scores will be published on the CQWW web site.
Thanks to all OPs for the activity!

Jota Joti 2019 Singapore

I’m so glad we made JOTA SG 2019 a dream come true. We managed to bring the radio aspect back into Scouts SG. The last one was back in 2001, I guess? We were only given 3 hours, and we made the best out of it.

The event was ran by a group of super enthusiast hams, each to their own merits! Even the XYLs (wives) lend a hand to make this a wonderful one.

We made sure the scouts get full engagement and exposure during the activities, as you can see they are the ones holding the radio most of the time.

Nevertheless, well done to the team!

Ben, 9V1KB