
SARTS History in Singapore


1975 – Talking to the world

The first hams in Singapore came from Britain and they arrive in the 1930s. They were assigned the callsign prefix VS1. Hams in the Federated Malaya States were assigned VS2.

1994 – Teens can now apply for ham radio license

After World War II, several Radio Societies were formed in Malaya. The state of Perak had a society, Selangor had a society and there was the Malayan Amateur Radio Transmitters Society or MARTS.

In 1949, while under the administration of the Federation of Malaya (1948 to 1957), the Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society (SARTS) was formed and registered. SARTS and the other smaller societies were later absorbed into MARTS which was the largest of the radio societies in Malaya.

On 31 August 1957, the Federation of Malaya gained independence from Britain and being a new country, new entity, they were assigned the 9M prefix.

In 1963, Singapore, together with Sarawak and Sabah, became part of the Federation of Malaya, which then became Malaysia. Singapore, being part of Malaysia, was assigned the 9M4 prefix. Sarawak and Sabah were assigned 9M6.

On 9 August 1965, Singapore separated from Malaysia, and we became an independent country. Being another new country, new entity, we were assigned the 9V prefix which is in use till today.

Singapore Hams continued to be part of MARTS until it was decided that it was better for Singapore Hams and Malaysia Hams to have separate societies. The separation was an amicable one.

On 26 August 1968, the present day SARTS was formed. The first president of SARTS was Livin de Souza. The Society continues on till today.

2019 Oceania DX Contest

Coming weekend the Oceania DX Contest CW will take place. Contest period on Oct 12th, 08:00 UTC to Oct 13th, 08:00 UTC on all HF bands except WARC bands.

The object is for Oceania transmitting stations to contact as many stations as possible inside and outside the Oceania region.

Non-Oceania transmitting stations to contact as many stations as possible inside the Oceania region.

Exchange: RST report plus a progressive contact serial number starting at 001 for each band. Multiplier is the number of different valid prefixes worked (may be counted once on each band.

Official website:

All Asian DX Contest 2019

Coming weekend – Sep 7th, 00:00 UTC to Sep 8th, 24:00 UTC the 60th All Asian DX Contest (SSB) takes place. It is a good opportunity to make contacts in Asia and DX and test your station and antenna.

Entry classes for Asian Stations is Single OP or multi OP, high and low power (100 W). Exchange RST + operators age. Deadline for log submission (Cabrillo Format) is Oct 9th, 2019.

Detailed rules on the JARL Contest page.

SARTS Meeting Aug 2019

We had visitors from Spain, Austria and Germany. Klaus gave a talk about the SARTS website redesign.

Pulau Ubin Field Day Jul 2019

On July 27 and 28 a team of Singapore hams took the ferry to Pulau Ubin and used the IOTA contest as an opportunity to have a field day.

IARU HF Championship

From July 14 to 15 the IARU HF Championship will take place, starting Saturday 12.00 UTC (20.00 SGT) and ending Sunday 11.59 UTC (19.59 SGT).

Objective is to contact as many other amateurs, especially IARU member society HQ stations, around the world as possible using the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands. You can find the detailed rules on the ARRL website.

Logs must be uploaded within 5 days after the event via the preferred online web service at