The website’s content management system allows to provide content visible to registered and logged in SARTS members only, which is not visible to the general public. In order to activate this feature, please register.
Registration process
Click on the sidebar under SARTS MEMBERS Login or use the REGISTRATION button below. With Login the following screen will be displayed.
Login screen
If you are not registered, click on “Register” on the Login screen or on the REGISTRATION button below to get the registration screen:
Input a Username – please use your call sign or handle + call sign (space is accepted, e.g. “9V1KG Klaus”) – and your Email address. You will then receive a confirmation/ verification email sent to the address provided. Therefore double-check the email address before submission.
After receiving the confirmation/verification email, it still can take a while before your login works, as – for security reasons – approval is done manually by the webmaster.
At the moment after registration and login there is no big change, except that
We begin the year 2022 by providing more ways to make payment for membership renewal. You will find the PayNow QR Code and the UEN on the membership renewal form.