IOTA 2024

This year’s IOTA team on St. John’s Island: 9V1AZ, Gopal; 9V1AD, Chuck; 9V1AV, JT; 9V1GH, Sanjeev with son Kush; 9V1JO, Johari; 9V1KG, Klaus; 9V1RT, Roland; and Sanjeev. 9V1RB with friend joined as day visitors. Station call sign was 9V1IO.

Thanks to Gopal for the whole organisation; to Haoyuan for letting us use his 7300 with PSU and PAC-12 antenna, Klaus for the Computer, Buddistick, endfed and Keyer, and Roland for the pole and camping trolley.

Jota Joti 2019 Singapore

I’m so glad we made JOTA SG 2019 a dream come true. We managed to bring the radio aspect back into Scouts SG. The last one was back in 2001, I guess? We were only given 3 hours, and we made the best out of it.

The event was ran by a group of super enthusiast hams, each to their own merits! Even the XYLs (wives) lend a hand to make this a wonderful one.

We made sure the scouts get full engagement and exposure during the activities, as you can see they are the ones holding the radio most of the time.

Nevertheless, well done to the team!

Ben, 9V1KB

SARTS Meeting Aug 2019

We had visitors from Spain, Austria and Germany. Klaus gave a talk about the SARTS website redesign.

Pulau Ubin Field Day Jul 2019

On July 27 and 28 a team of Singapore hams took the ferry to Pulau Ubin and used the IOTA contest as an opportunity to have a field day.